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Time Management

Time is one of the most precious resource that we have today. Yet, many of us struggle to manage it regularly. Whether you are a student, professional or someone who is looking to make most of your day good, mastering time management is the key for all these problems. It is important to know that time management is not an easy task as it sounds like but also it may not be considered as impossible, it is set of instructions to be followed strictly along with the block of time. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the principles, strategies, and tools that one needs to take control of his/her time to further maximise the productivity.

Now let us understand what a time management is ? It is nothing but a process of planning and organizing how to dive your time between multiple activities. It is a blend of setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and allocating resources to achieve those goals efficiently. Effective time management allows you to work smarter instead of harder by focusing your efforts on right path, accomplishing more in certain amount of time and further leads to healthy work life balance. 

Time management is a technique through which we generally manage our time. it is interesting to note that everyone on this planet has only 24 hours in a day, so it is important for us to manage within this tenure. Finding the difference between successful peoples time vs unsuccessful people time management is that the successful person would have better control of his time. Now let us wisely compare the difference between success and failures ? One of the biggest thing about success is that, it push you a much forward in life while on the other hand failure leads you a tag of less output, less efficient and poor time management. It’s all about gripping yourself within a bounded time. Managing time is pretty hard but not impossible as i said in above stanza’s. It requires hardwork, dedication and much more will power along with perseverance. The journey of success is boring but if we see the journey of failure it seems amazing, full of multiple thoughts without disciplines. Let us now put some shadow towards the benefits of good time management :

    • Makes you more efficient in limited amount of time.
    • High productivity.
    • Higly organized
    • Chances of achievement becomes higher which further leads to high success rates.
    • Leads you to get more opportunity
    • Gives you chance for your career growth 
    • Your goals starts becoming clearer and clearer.
    • Reputation increases
    • Work life balance increases
    • You starts to feel independent which further leads to greater freedom on your life.
    • Finally your confidence increases.

Time management is considered to be a kind of skill that is required in each and every aspect of your life, whether you are student or a professional. It applies to each and every person living on this planet. Without time management there will be no goal in your life, distrupted workflow or wrong workflow, wastage of time, no control on life, affected work quality which will further leads you to dimnishing your reputation. Now let us dive into the complete course which is of 51 days. Each day you have to follow a single task that is mentioned. For your sake, i have mentioned the day numbers along with the qualities. So let’s get into it :

Time Auditing


Auditing time

Daily Planning

Done Listing

Week Planning

Important Tasks

80/20 Rule

DAY 10
Golden Hours

DAY 11
Swiss-Cheese Method

DAY 12
1 Day Early

DAY 16

DAY 17
Ignoring Unrelated

DAY 18
Waiting Time

DAY 19
Application Blocker

DAY 20
Using Applications

DAY 21
Sticking to Schedule

DAY 22
Avoid Bad Habits

DAY 23
No Multitasking

DAY 24
No Perfect Time

DAY 25
No Perfection

DAY 26
Small Details

DAY 27

DAY 28
Physical Health

DAY 29

DAY 30

DAY 31
Saying No

DAY 32

DAY 33
X/Y Rule

DAY 34
Pomodoro Technique

DAY 35

DAY 36

DAY 37
4 D's Rule

DAY 38
Consistent Break

DAY 39
Eat that Frog

DAY 40

DAY 41
Time Blocking

DAY 42
RPM Method

DAY 43
Pick the Jar

DAY 44

DAY 45
Deep Work

DAY 46
Getting Done

DAY 47
ABCDE method

DAY 48
Deep Work

DAY 49
Task Batching

DAY 50
1-3-5 Rule

DAY 51
POSEC Method

DAY 52

Day 1 : Specific Goals

First day deals with specific goals which means that you have to create a morning routine. If your morning starts good, then your whole day will seems to be organized. 
Set goals that are clear indicating SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time bounded). For e.g. I want to become healthy (this thing doesn’t tell you that how much healthy you want to be) instead you should set a goal like I want to gain or loose weight.


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